
Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Three Important Aspects to Teach Children : Kindness, Patience and Manners

I firmly believe that kindness, patience and manners are extremely important to teach to children. And in order for children to learn these aspects, they must experience them. That means as a parent you would need to be a good example. While being a good example is not an easy thing to do, it has it's rewards.
It does not take very much effert to teach kindness, patience and manners to a child if you are already a kind and patient person yourself. If you are not these may be things you will want to work on. Children learn and act out by immitating what they see and hear on a day to day basis. This includes overheard conversations (in person, on television, on video games, in music). Many people do not like to hear those things but that does not make them any less true.
Manners have kind of worked their way into a corner and are kind of hiding out these days. Not many children use please and thank you and excuse me (to name a few) on a regular basis. These are small ways of showing that a person cares and respects another person. And yet again a good way to teach manners is to use them.
It will shock and surprise you how easy it is to teach by example in these instances. And wouldn't it be nice to be teaching our children something good "by example".

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